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Earth Day 365

Although we only celebrate Earth Day once a year, the reality is that we should act like every day is Earth Day -  especially given the current state of our planet.  Continue reading

Sacred Trees & Places

This past month localtrafficattorneys worked with the Association for Native American Sacred Trees and Places, or NASTaP. NASTaP is a relatively new organization, founded in 2017, however their powerful mission has enabled them to make much progress. The organization’s goal is to inspire discovery, appreciation, and conservation of culturally modified trees and places held sacred to Native Americans. Continue reading

Autism Awareness

National Autism Awareness Month was established to not only increase awareness of this condition that affects so many Americans, but to also reduce the stigma, and improve resources, services, and programs for those living with autism. Knowing this, localtrafficattorneys felt this was the perfect opportunity to partner with an Autism related organization. Continue reading

New Beginnings

Entering March, we are very excited about some new opportunities and collaborations that we’ll be sharing with you soon. It’s truly a season of new beginnings. Continue reading

Story of The 6th

localtrafficattorneys. is an apparel brand founded and created in the summer of 2018. The photo above, is the day I was sitting outside waiting to catch the lightrail to work, and I realized that an idea I'd been thinking about for years was going to happen...because I was gonna make it happen with whatever time, effort and ability I had in me. So here's my story, behind our story.

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