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Story of The 6th

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Thank you for visiting our site and becoming a part of The 6th Family.
My name is Badi Tolo, and I am the CEO/Founder of localtrafficattorneys. 

localtrafficattorneys. is an apparel brand I founded and created in the summer of 2018. The photo above, is the day I was sitting outside waiting to catch the lightrail to work, and I realized that an idea I'd been thinking about for years was going to happen...because I was gonna make it happen with whatever time, effort and ability I had in me. So here's my story, behind our story.

I was originally born in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo). My parents moved to the U.S. when I was just 2 years old along with my older sister, then 4. Coming from families that stressed the importance of education, they came here in the early 80s to expand on the educational degrees in Nursing and French Studies they had received back home. Decades later, they honor the family, by serving their communities as educators in their respective fields.

Equipped with her Master of Science in Nursing: Health Care Systems and also a Graduate Certificate in Health Care Education, my mother is currently working as a Clinical Services Manager in Senior Care. My father is a published author and tenured Ph.D. Associate Professor, teaching French Language, French Literature and Francophone Literature. They have always supported my sisters and I in all of our pursuits and I would not be here today without the support and sacrifices of my parents.

Moving Around

We started our lives in the US living in Nashville, TN where my father continued his schooling and my mother worked as a Nurse. When he graduated and got a job offer we found ourselves moving across the country to Wyoming. Yes, Wyoming. Much like any of you, where I grew up is a part of who I am and the life lessons and experiences that shaped my outlook on life and for that I'm grateful.

So after high school, I went to school at the University of Wyoming where I received my Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in Graphic Design. My first job in design began as a student intern for a small studio in Laramie, where the owner and a friend to this day, gave me my first shot. I had no idea what a graphic design degree had in store, but it was an opportunity for which I am forever grateful. 

After 4 years at Snowy Range Graphics, I moved to Denver in 2008 to see what the big city had in store. The timing of that decision was not ideal as the economy took an epic downward spiral. Many of you probably remember that time from your own experiences. I couldn't find a job but I wasn't about to give up and move back.

I made my own business cards and attended networking events. I learned how to do some code and with the help of a few developer friends I designed/built my portfolio website and I jumped on any freelance work I could get. Whatever it took. I eventually found a mentor who was helping individuals connect and learn more about how to grow a small business. We're still friends to this day and his success and genuine desire to help others continues to be an inspiration. 

Court Vision Creative

I came up with the name "Court Vision Creative" as I had played the position of Point Guard when I was younger and always loved having the ability and responsibility to create opportunities for my teammates.

During those years working part-time and as a freelance designer, I secured contracts doing graphics for the University of Wyoming's Athletics Marketing Department as well as a 2 year stint doing graphics for the University of Alabama-Birmingham's (UAB) Athletics Marketing Department. These opportunities allowed me to pay the bills, grow as a designer, a businessman and a marketer and enabled me to use my degree in a field I had always been passionate about, Sports. 

In December of 2011, a friend/partner in the UW Athletics Marketing Dept. brought their Grad Assistants down to Denver for dinner, a tour of Pepsi Center and an Avalanche-Red Wings game and she was kind enough to extend an invitation to me. Little did I know, but one of the Avs Marketing employees conducting the tour happened to be a friend I had played gym ball with all through college. Long story short, a position opened up with Kroenke Sports & Entertainment 2 weeks later and he shot me an email saying I should apply if interested. 

Working for the Colorado Avalanche? The Denver Nuggets?! The team I grew up loving and dreaming of playing for as a kid? I thought NO CHANCE, but why the hell not. So I applied and was shocked when I got called for an interview a couple weeks later and even more shocked when I got an offer. Living proof that even your greatest doubts can be overcome when you take the final bet on yourself. 

Seven years later, I've gone from Graphic Designer, to Senior Designer and now have served as an Art Director at Pepsi Center over the last 3+ years. I've always prided myself in representing as a team player, a good person, a true sports fanatic and a valuable creative mind assisting the growth and popularity of the Denver Nuggets, Colorado Avalanche, Colorado Mammoth and Colorado Rapids.

The Next Challenge

As artists, we must continue to create and challenge ourselves in order to grow. With the support of my inspiring and amazing parents and sisters and some truly great friends, it is this drive that lead me to dream big once more and create localtrafficattorneys.

The idea behind the logo is an evolution of my Court Vision Creative brand. Rooted in my love of the game of basketball. The logo symbolizes the lines at the top of the basketball key. The "6" represents the 6th man/woman, and the opening represents a lane for those who are behind the mission to step to the line. 

"My mission is to create and grow a brand that uplifts others, inspires confidence, and recognizes the role we all play in each other's success."

Our hope is that through continued growth and support of the mission, we can continue to grow and use our platform to positively impact our community and others. 

Whatever challenges you or those around you face, we encourage you to never stop working to be better, be kinder, be more and give more of yourself in your pursuits and in service of others. Anyone embracing that challenge will forever be a part of localtrafficattorneys fam.

One Team. Together. One Tribe.

Much Love,
Badi M. Tolo

Comments on this post (1)

  • Apr 05, 2021

    It was a pleasure to meet you at Daniel’s birthday party. I enjoyed talking to you about family and the importance of supporting one another in our journeys. Look forward to talking to you again.

    Take care,

    — Wendfal Fahlenkamp

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