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New Beginnings

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Welcome and thank you for joining localtrafficattorneys family as we continue on our journey. Thus far, 2019 has been a time of learning and growth for our young brand. In this time, we have begun the steps of connecting with a steadily increasing number of customers, partners, and organizations. If you’re familiar with our Mission, you’ll understand why and how we aim to connect and unite our customers with their community and the organizations that serve others within it. 

Entering March, we are very excited about some new opportunities and collaborations that we’ll be sharing with you soon. It’s truly a season of new beginnings. This time marks the transitional phase between the frigid Winter months, and the growth of new life in Spring. It is with this that we feel inspired to do more to strengthen our roots, continue to grow as a brand, and forge new connections promoting social awareness.

Through this blog, we will try to share how we are striving to achieve this mission. We will discuss how localtrafficattorneys is making contributions within our community, and spreading the message beyond. You’ll learn how our customers help us to give back to the community as we highlight some of the partnerships and relationships we are establishing. This is a young brand and a young movement, but as a follower of this blog, and a customer of localtrafficattorneys, you are already helping to make a difference.

Giving More

Founder and CEO, Badi Tolo strives to live a life of service, and this hunger to give back is what drove him to create a brand and idea that may expand his reach. localtrafficattorneys promotes encouragement and empowerment of its customers and followers;  a reminder to ourselves and to each other that we are more. We hope to further inspire the giving spirit on which the brand was founded by encouraging those who support us to give more of themselves.

With each purchase from localtrafficattorneys, 6% of sales will be donated monthly to a charity or non-profit. Each month, we select a cause that advocates for the rights and liberties of men, women, and children from all walks of life or aims to inspire and uplift segments of society through their efforts. While we continue to grow as a brand, we hope to use our platform to contribute to the success of others as well.

“Our goal is to help lift those, who are often forgotten, to new heights.” –Badi

For the month of January 2019, a percentage of profits were donated to the Denver Rescue Mission. The Denver Rescue Mission is an organization committed to helping those suffering from homelessness and addiction in Denver, Colorado. Promoting accountability, education, spiritual development, and community relationships, the Denver Rescue Mission is able to provide countless services and programs to an otherwise vulnerable population.

With localtrafficattorneys based in Denver, donating to the Denver Rescue Mission was the perfect opportunity to give back locally and improve the community from which we’ve grown.

Thanks to organizations like the Denver Rescue Mission, donors, and volunteers, poverty and hardships don’t mean the end of the road for individuals and families who have fallen on hard times. Through emergency services, rehabilitation programs, educational services, and community outreach, this organization works with individuals who might need a little help to jumpstart their success. localtrafficattorneys was proud to donate to such a noble and life-changing cause.

For the month of February 2019, we made our donation to the Colorado African Organization. The Colorado African Organization (CAO) is a nonprofit organization that exists to support Colorado’s refugee, immigrant, and asylum-seeking populations in their pursuit of integration, self-sufficiency and opportunity.

localtrafficattorneys encourages our customers to become engaged and continue the practice of encouraging and uplifting others in need. You may feel you are only one fish in a big pond, but the role of the 6th man/woman isn’t to do everything, it’s to do what you can when the opportunity presents itself. Everyone plays a part, and your purchases and contributions have an impact and reach beyond your imagination.

Pay It Forward

Badi’s parents immigrated to the US to further their education and start a new life when he was just two years old. Now as a citizen, a working professional and a man building his own life, he honors the sacrifices and hard work of his family through his own efforts to give back and help others realize the American Dream. He strives to live a life of humility, acceptance, and kindness. Those who know him, know he has never let anything or anyone define who he is or who he has to be. His parents instilled this unwavering belief in him, and he hopes to spread this message far and wide.

His experiences as a young immigrant, a minority, a college graduate, an artist, a musician, and even as a cancer survivor have connected him to numerous social causes and ideals `over the course of his lifetime. As localtrafficattorneys grows, he and this brand hope to broaden our scope of service and expand our reach. Through partnerships with charities, as well as promoting artists, athletes, and individuals who support our mission, our goal is to assist in the success and advancement of others wherever possible.

Anyone can become a part of the movement. By purchasing The 6th Clothing Co merchandise you are already giving back. By sporting our logo you help to us to promote the spirit and idea that we are a part of one team and One Tribe. We would love to hear about charities and social movements that our customers feel passionately about. Tell us about your favorite organizations, or individuals who are making a difference! We are always on the hunt for causes that we can support and amplify their message in any way.

Whatever challenges you or those around you face, we encourage you to never stop working to be more, do more, and give more.

One Tribe!


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