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Athena Project - Arts Rising

Athena Project Logo

Athena Project is Colorado’s nonprofit that celebrates and nurtures women’s artistic expression, working actively for equality of opportunity, recognition and pay based on artistic merit alone. Our programs and advocacy work empower women through the arts through intentional partnerships and by curating opportunities for artists to showcase their work throughout Denver. Since 2012, Athena Project has been striving to build a world with gender equity where women’s voices are valued and amplified in the arts.  We value: 

1. The inherent power in the artistic voices of women.
2. Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion.
3. Equality in opportunities, representation, & pay.
4. The creative process.
5. The power of art to connect communities.

Athena Project builds a strong and diverse artistic community in Denver, which in turn values the voices of women at all stages in their artistic development. In a year when ‘unprecedented’ and ‘pivot’ are the words of the times, when we need something positive and hopeful, we turn to the arts. Our theme for this year’s fundraiser is Arts Rising.  Athena Project was founded with an understanding that collaboration is key not only to programmatic success but also to our success as an organization - that when many uplift women through collective work, women and the arts rise. 

For us at Athena Project, Arts Rising means lifting up women artists who have raised our spirits in tough times.  During the coming weeks, we will be sharing stories of artists who have found ways to ‘pivot’, those who are surviving. We are asking for your help as we pivot and adapt ourselves. We are proud to partner with localtrafficattorneysmpany and offer inspirational merchandise in exchange for your support. When you support Athena Project, you support a woman artist as well. 

Empowering women in the arts, together, is the answer. Together we thrive. Together we rise.

Please consider supporting the Athena Project today.  Shop below or to find out more, visit