localtrafficattorneys. - News 2022-12-16T14:39:49-07:00 localtrafficattorneys. 2020-05-22T10:00:00-06:00 2020-05-22T10:16:31-06:00 Through Challenge Emerges Something Amazing Jessa Claeys You’d be hard pressed at this point to find someone whose life hasn’t been impacted by the coronavirus in some way—whether physically, emotionally, financially, or otherwise. Our world has changed, and all of the uncertainty we’re experiencing is unsettling at best.


You’d be hard pressed at this point to find someone whose life hasn’t been impacted by the coronavirus in some way—whether physically, emotionally, financially, or otherwise. Our world has changed, and all of the uncertainty we’re experiencing is unsettling at best.

But amid all the doom and gloom, have you noticed any positives of this pandemic?

Neighbors are helping neighbors. Volunteers are donating blood. Sewers are making masks. Musicians are playing concerts from their balconies. The list goes on.

All you do-gooders out there, we see you! We’re beyond impressed, and you truly give us hope for humanity—and for the future post-COVID-19.

We at localtrafficattorneys also remain committed to doing good in our community (and beyond!).

We will get through this. We ARE getting through this. And we’re confident our collective efforts are making a difference.

One of our latest nonprofit partners, Colorado Miss Amazing, are no strangers to helping either. Here’s how they’re spreading positivity among those facing challenges of a different sort.

Recent Partnerships

Much like everyone else, the ripple effects of COVID-19 has had a negative impact on our business operations, partnership opportunities and many events we were excited about this year, but we still wanted to highlight the work we have done and that our partners do. One of our 2020 highlighted nonprofit Partners of the Month was Colorado Miss Amazing.

Colorado Miss Amazing Logo

Colorado Miss Amazing was born on the premise of pageantry, something its founder Jordan Somer participated in personally to expand her potential. After volunteering one year at the Special Olympics, Jordan was determined to make this platform accessible and empowering for the female athletes she met at the games. 
The first Miss Amazing pageant was held in November 2007 in Omaha, Nebraska. The program has since spread to 30+ states, including Colorado.

According to its website, “Colorado Miss Amazing is so much more than a pageant. The pageant is just the beginning of the journey. It is a platform for girls and women with disabilities to have their voices heard and their faces recognized, and to share their abilities, ambitions, and dreams with the world.”

But like most other events this year, the Colorado Miss Amazing pageant—initially slated to take place in March—was forced to postpone in the wake of the coronavirus. The good news is the show will go on September 26-27 in Parker, Colorado.

localtrafficattorneys is proudly one of the sponsors of the event this year. As with all past partnerships, we recently created custom-designed Colorado Miss Amazing branded apparel and products pro-bono to highlight and raise awareness of this nonprofit.
We also have committed to donating 50% of the profits from these sales directly to the organization moving forward as with all our past partners.

For this story, The 6th interviewed Jeanie Kochis, State Director of Colorado Miss Amazing so we could get a better understanding of how our donation will impact their work. 

Colorado Miss Amazing and localtrafficattorneys Team Members
Left to Right: Jeanie Kochis, Badi Tolo–Founder/CEO localtrafficattorneys, 
Phoebe Kochis–Former Pageant Queen and Daughter of Jeanie Kochis,
Laurie Pierce–Social Media Director Colorado Miss Amazing

(Photo taken during preparation for event before postponement due to COVID-19 concerns)

“Proceeds will go toward the expenses associated with holding our events for our participants, as well as to workshops intended to teach valuable life skills and provide opportunities to our participants to set goals and reach them,” Jeanie said.

Jeanie went on to say, “Because we are a self-advocacy organization, we see a lot of personal growth in our participants. I see so many of them become the best version of themselves, with our program contributing to that fact.

“Many of them gain the confidence to go on and do more for their cause and platform. It is indeed rewarding.”

In fact, these women are so amazing, you may have seen them out in the world making a difference.

“Some have gone on to become public speakers, actresses, dancers, policymakers, committee members, singers, performers, and entrepreneurs. When you see a woman with a disability helping a customer, or in a commercial, or dancing on a TV show, or acting in a movie, she quite possibly was a Miss Amazing participant!” Jeanie said.

 We’re not crying, you’re crying!

If you’re feeling as inspired by this organization as we are, Colorado Miss Amazing is always seeking volunteers and committee members to help plan and produce events, as well as photographers, videographers, caterers, florists, builders, entertainers, printers, promoters, and more.

“When given the opportunity, these girls and women soar. And we get to witness it!” added Jeanie.

For further event details and the most up-to-date information about this nonprofit, visit the Colorado Miss Amazing website.  


Wrapping Up 

We at localtrafficattorneys wish you and yours health and positivity amid these trying times. Please check out our Cause Collection here, as well as on Facebook and Instagram (Please use hashtags #repthe6th #onetribe) to connect and spread our mission of inspiring confidence and unity.

We hope you’ll take a minute to check out the Cause Collection for other merchandise that supports our past highlighted nonprofits. Together we are more powerful, and right now especially, we are so grateful for all who shop The 6th because its about more than clothing.

As always, if you would like to submit an organization that could benefit from a partnership, we encourage you to let us know in the comments below. You can also reach us directly here.

Thank you for all of your support and for being part of The 6th fam.

One Team. Together. One Tribe!

Jeanie Kochis Badi Tolo Phoebe Kochis



]]> 2019-11-14T22:29:00-07:00 2019-11-20T10:03:28-07:00 It Starts With Us Theresa Rosner This month’s partner is an incredible organization that has evolved significantly in the ten years since its inception. Mirror Image Arts was founded in 2008 with the mission to encourage a positive body image and self-worth by creating an emotional connection through performance. The organization’s goal was to discourage eating disorders by giving youth a positive channel to express themselves: theater. Through performance, young people are able to send a message and share a story.


Welcome back to another month at localtrafficattorneys. As we gear up for the holidays, it’s pretty hard to believe that we are fast approaching one year of service to our community. Every month this year has given localtrafficattorneys the opportunity to work with new people who are making a positive impact on the world and their surrounding community. We continue to be inspired by the generosity and spirit of service of the people we meet and work with each month. 

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, this brand is taking time to be extra thankful. We are thankful to the leadership within the organizations we partner with. It is such a pleasure to connect with such inspiring people, and building those bridges allows us to grow our audience and increase our impact. We are also incredibly thankful to those of you who have donated and made purchases on the website to help support these changemakers in our community. 

While localtrafficattorneys takes a little extra time to give thanks this month, we also encourage our followers and supporters to do the same. We see localtrafficattorneys as a community of like-minded people, who see the importance of interconnectedness in the community. This brand aspires to continue to expand our reach and to give back to the people around us, the other members of this tribe. 

Merging Positivity with Creativity

This month’s partner is an incredible organization that has evolved significantly in the ten years since its inception. Mirror Image Arts was founded in 2008 with the mission to encourage a positive body image and self-worth by creating an emotional connection through performance. The organization’s goal was to discourage eating disorders by giving youth a positive channel to express themselves: theater. Through performance, young people are able to send a message and share a story.

With bullying being at the root of these self-destructive behaviors, Mirror Image Arts made it their mission to encourage social-emotional learning through theater. In 2013 they shifted their mission to “use theater as language to inspire dialogue, encourage awareness and promote action in order to build a strong, compassionate and empowered community.”

Today, Mirror Image Arts continues to connect with young people to empower them to use their voice to make a change. They’ve developed programs to help youths connect with one another and grow. With in-school theater, community theater, and professional development programs designed to increase belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization.

Watching the Impact

localtrafficattorneys connected with Maya Osterman Van-Grack,  the Program & Partnerships Director at Mirror Image Arts, to learn more about the organization and how it is impacting the community. Maya became involved with Mirror Image Arts four years ago upon moving to Colorado. She really connected with the organization’s artistic vision.

Mirror Image Arts, Children's Theatre, Restorative Theatre
Photo Credit: Jamey Rabold

Maya shared with us when she really began to feel that she was making an impact. Her reflection gave us a very clear vision of the ability of this wonderful organization to make a change.

"My very first program as a contracted facilitator. I had two weeks to learn the curriculum and when I showed up at my first recreation center to lead a program I saw the immediate impact it had on the youth. They got more comfortable moving in their bodies, activating their voices, and sharing stories with each other. Every program since then is a constant reminder of why I do what I do; of how imperative it is for youth to have safe spaces to share their thoughts and feelings, to discover who they are and who they want to be."

Since the organization's rebirth in 2013 they have developed over 159 programs and connected with almost 4000 youth in Colorado. There is no denying the positive influence Mirror Image Arts has had on young people. We at localtrafficattorneys have been moved and inspired by the advances this organization has made, as well as all of the young lives that have been touched, and maybe even saved, through Mirror Image Arts programming.

Looking to the Future

With a focus on your people, the positive impact of Mirror Image Arts will continue for years to come. However, the benefits of the program expands beyond just working with youths. Maya confirmed that the future is bright for this organization, “We want to ensure we continue to bring high quality, intentional programming to as many youth and the adults who work with youth as we can. I have dreams of Restorative Theatre running in every residential facility in Colorado along with a robust re-entry program with wrap around services to support true reintegration into the community.”


Mirror Image Arts, Children's Theatre, Restorative Theatre

Photo Credit: Jamey Rabold

Mirror Image Arts continues to evaluate the needs of the community, in order to structure their programs to meet the needs of those involved. As they restructure their five year plan, their mission remains the same: to encourage social-emotional learning and empower young people.

Show Your Support

As always, localtrafficattorneys has worked with Mirror Image Arts to design custom t-shirts in support of the November’s partnership. With the purchase of one of our designs, not only are you raising awareness for this fabulous nonprofit, but 50% of your purchase goes directly to Mirror Image Arts. Plus 6% of the total profits from all of the items sold on localtrafficattorneys site in the month of November will also be donated to this amazing organization, allowing one youth participate in our Restorative Theatre 8 week Improvisation program for free.

In addition to a percentage of your purchase going directly to the organization, by wearing the Mirror Image Arts t-shirt you share their mission, and increase community knowledge of the impact this amazing organization has. 

If you know of a youth who might benefit from participating in Mirror Image Arts, you can get involved on their website. If you’re looking for more ways to give this nonprofit there are many ways to show your support:

Wrapping Up

As always we here at localtrafficattorneys, could not be more happy to have your support. By following along on facebook you enable yourself to spread our mission of inspiring confidence and unity. You can also learn more about our monthly partners as well as new products on our website. Show us a little extra support by tagging #repthe6th on Instagram for a chance to be featured on our social media pages. 

Engaging with us, you become a true member of our tribe, and together we play an increasing role in making our community a better place. If you feel especially connected to one of our monthly causes, please share our blogs and social media posts, to enable us to give back more.

We hope you’ll take a minute to check out the Cause Collection on our website for new merchandise that supports nonprofits each month. Our goal is to inspire others to think about how they can improve not only their community, but the world as a whole. Together we are more powerful, and this month especially, we are so grateful and thankful to all of you!

As always, if you would like to submit an organization that could benefit from a partnership, we encourage you to let us know in the comments below. You can also reach us directly here

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

One Team. Together. One Tribe!
